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What's On Your Bucket List?

Jillian Bleackley

Updated: Sep 3, 2019

Just yesterday I had to say goodbye to Agnieszka, one of my nurses who has worked tirelessly here for close to twenty-five years. She was here on the opening day in 1995 when my uncle was a client here. My uncle sadly died of Multiple Sclerosis. I didn't know him that well, but it's just a funny coincidence that we both wound up living here.

Agnieszka is a world traveler and hopes to travel when she officially retires on Sunday. This got me thinking about what's on my bucket list. Of course, traveling the world would be the first thing, but I have to remind myself that the world isn't wheelchair-friendly, because if it was I would go backpacking across Europe on the cobblestone streets of Italy or somewhere far away.

My dream for myself is to someday become a motivational speaker and at least travel across Canada- and maybe even the states to inspire and uplift people.

For me to travel, it's not just as simple as booking a ticket and packing a suitcase. A lot more thought and planning has to be put into it. First, I would need a care aide to help me to get to where I wanted to go in the first place. I would also need a wheelchair accessible van with a ramp to get from Point A to Point B, and a wheelchair accessible hotel room. Last, but not least, the funds to fulfill this lifelong dream.

I have to say, I have made some of my dreams already come true. I am a published author and a poet, and I am living semi-independently in a residential care facility. Let's not forget that I also got a tattoo. My bucket list is a mile long, though, so I better start checking off some more items.

My Ever-Growing Bucket List

  1. Travel across Canada as a motivational speaker

  2. Travel to Italy, India and Bali so I can do the "Eat, Pray, Love" tour- but mostly the Eat part!

  3. I would love to travel to New York to see a Broadway play and visit my friend Beth

  4. I want to create a comic strip

  5. Meet Ellen and Oprah

  6. Travel to Ireland to see Dublin and sit in a pub and write

  7. Travel to England- specifically the part where my grandmother was from

  8. Write a best-seller

  9. Write a children's book- wait! I already wrote two :D

  10. Meet Pink (LOL not gonna happen)!!

Please let me know what's on your bucket list in the comments! Perhaps this is my way of inspiring and uplifting people. I enjoy writing these blog posts. Please let me know what you think, and if I should continue on a similar vein or change my topics.

Bon Voyage!



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