For today's post I've come up with the one-hundred follower challenge for my Facebook page. It's simple, all you have to do is like my author page on Facebook and I will give the hundredth follower a prize. The basic challenge is this: to get one-hundred followers by the end of this year. I'm almost halfway there, with forty-six followers so please start clicking.
It sounds so simple right now, but there's more to this challenge than meets the eye. I have to come up with interesting blog posts so that all of my readers will keep reading and keep passing along my name to their friends and family.
Hopefully through all of this, I will get one-hundred followers. Actually, I would like to make it to one-thousand, but let's start small and see where it goes. I will have a reward for the hundredth follower. The special reward will be a poem created in your honor and posted on my pages. You can share this poem on any of your social media accounts and know that it was created with love by me for you. You are welcome to be like my page if you're my family members or friends. Please feel free to pass this along to your friends and family. I really hope to start a movement.
Good luck!