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She's Not Just A Pretty Face- Part 2

Jillian Bleackley

For today's post I would like to do a Part 2 of She's Not Just A Pretty Face. Check out Part 1 for some more incredible stories. These are women who I can only aspire to be like.

Doreen Bleackley

This next woman is no longer with us, but I had the privilege of knowing her for twenty-nine years. She was born in Liverpool in 1923, survived the Great Depression and went on to help in the war effort in World War Two. She was a war bride and met my grandpa at a dance, and fell madly in love. If you haven't guessed it yet, this next woman is my Grandma Doreen who passed away in 2016. She gave birth to my Aunt Vicky in 1945 and two years later gave birth to my dad in 1947.

She didn't get to read my first published children's book, however, she got to see me graduate high school and publish my first three books of poetry. She looked like the Queen of England- she even had the wave down. She always kept me in stitches with her jokes. She was a loving and very opinionated woman. She thought poetry should rhyme, so when I put out my books of poetry she didn't know what to make of them. This woman cared for my grandfather up until his death in 2009. He would always say that she was the apple of his eye. I will always remember her blueberry scones, mincemeat tarts and stunning blue eyes smiling at me. Rest in peace Grandma Doreen.

Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn is my next featured woman. I recently discovered a quote by her that said "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm Possible'". She was born in 1929 in Belgium and died in 1993. I never saw her movie Breakfast at Tiffany's, but I did see My Fair Lady, and the iconic song- "The Rain In Spain"got stuck in my head for days after watching it for the first time. I love this rags-to-riches story and whenever it's on I watch it again and again. In my opinion, Audrey Hepburn is- and always will be- a fashion icon.

Hannah Bleackley

You may wonder why I have chosen this next young lady. After all, she is only nine and has a lot of life ahead of her, but I just want to tell you a few things about my niece Hannah that I believe are inspiring. I am inspired by my niece Hannah because not only is she learning the English language, she's also learning French and can play the piano. She seems to have her own sense of style and doesn't mind putting two different color socks on and being OK with it. She is a great help to me and her family. She's not afraid of my chair or my disability. I only hope our relationship can continue to grow and we can keep teaching each other the great lessons in life.

Julia Roberts

Every time I see Julia Roberts in Erin Brockovich I feel like I can take on the whole world and it makes me feel optimistic about things in my life. I also admire her mega-watt smile and the role she played in Steel Magnolias even though her character died. I also loved her in Eat, Pray, Love. She's that kind of actress. She has won one Oscar and been nominated for numerous other awards.

Jenn Lovett

This next featured woman I've had the pleasure of knowing for over eight years and we have become fast friends. She was one of my care workers before I moved out to New Westminster into the place I live now. The eight years I worked with her flew by, but they were packed with trips to the movies, laughter and super fun times. She also came into my life at a rough time and got me through it. Her sense of humor and her outlook on life is amazing. She became like a second big sister to me and we welcomed her into the Bleackley clan. She has told me countless times through Facebook Messenger that she misses my family. Thanks for all the good times Jenn. I hope we can find some time to catch up one day face to face.

It was hard to narrow down these women, because they are all amazing glowing lights in my life. They've made me the person I am today. Thank you to all of you.... except for Julia Roberts! Ha ha!

For those of your who are not on these posts, I thought about including you but then we'd be here for the next century so I'm sorry a million times over, but that's just the way the pencil broke.


1 Comment

Oct 31, 2019

Love you Aunty Jill! ❤️Hannah

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