Musings on the most notorious heavy metal band the world has ever seen

Three weeks ago I was scrolling through Netflix and stumbled upon a documentary called Dirt. It essentially documented the formation of the band Motley Crue and their struggles within the band and in their personal lives.
I would definitely warn viewers that this documentary is not for children and if you like the band you’ll like the documentary.
I was initially shocked, and that shock grew to curiosity. It was like a book that I could not put down. I morbidly wanted to find out how this band was formed and what happened within the band of dysfunctional brothers. I was also shocked that they used the “f” word in every sentence, although I guess I shouldn’t have been because they were a metal band and really, what was I expecting?
The women were portrayed as objects or pieces of meat. They were used like disposable cups by the band. I didn’t like the fact that they were so degrading to women- that was disgusting, but I would recommend it as a piece of interest.
However, the band was not all to blame, because the women played a part in it too. They wanted to say that they were with the band. This is something that we see over and over again with famous musicians. They often have groupies. Mick Mars hit the nail on the head when he said in the documentary that these groupies slept with every band that came through town. As I write this article, I happen to stumble upon Nikki Sixx’s interview in Rolling Stone where he praises the #metoo movement which shows personal growth for the members of the band, and also is reflective of the changing times.
Some addictions are worse than others. Heroin, alcohol and sex were Motley Crue’s drugs of choice. It is my opinion that we all have our own addictions which we feed on a daily basis. My addiction is Facebook. I have to know what’s going on. I feel disconnected from the world if I don’t have my daily fix of social media.
What’s your addiction?