For today's blog post, I wanted to flashback to June when the six of us went to a BC Lion's football game. As usual, a sea of orange and black greeted me as I rolled through the door.
We were playing against the Edmonton Eskimos. From kick-off to the end of the game we were surrounded by cheers and excitement. Although we went down in defeat, you wouldn't know it because we were cheering so loudly. At half-time, local country-music star Tim Hicks performed his latest hits. I loved it. I can recall munching on my chicken strips and fries, and trying to cheer on the Lions at the same time.
I was surrounded by my friends, and I even got my brother Joe and my dad Russell to come. I loved getting a front-row seat in Club Orange.
Thank you BC Lions! I look forward to next year and I carry with me a lifetime of memories because of this annual event. Thank you so much for your generosity and always being able to accommodate our needs. We all look forward to next season. Roar, Lions roar!
Always great fun going to a LION'S game. Thanks Leo's for making this happen.