I'm sure we all have our bad days when technology or something doesn't go right. I would like to introduce you to 1-800-ERNESTO. He comes free of charge to Blackberry Drive every Tuesday before his soccer game.
He literally can fix everything right down to a bad mood. He's free-spirited and couldn't care less what anybody thinks. Unfortunately ladies, he's already taken by my sister and yes, his brother is also married. He has the biggest heart in the world, and I'm pretty sure that he would do anything for anybody.
He always wants to make my life easier, hence the Chrome Cast that I got for my birthday so that I can control my TV from my bed. He's always there for a literal lift or a push when I need it. Ernesto knows just what to say to make people feel good. He is not afraid of a few tears as I witnessed on his wedding day, when my sister came walking down the aisle, yet he has a sense of adventure like no other person I know.
He's a risk taker and, dare I say, daredevil. He's super high energy. I know he would never put me in danger, in fact, he would do everything he could to make sure that I didn't fall in any way. Last but not least, he's starting to love country LOL. I never thought I'd say that out loud, because he was the furthest thing from a country music lover.
We can joke around like brother and sister, or talk about serious matters, but most of all what I want to get across to you is that he's a true friend. I only hope I can find someone as cool and unique as Ernesto.
Love you Ernesto! Thanks for your help.
He's also a wicked DJ!